WOTM- What We Do! & Who We Are!

The Women of the Moose, established in 1913, is a unit of Moose International. Our members work in harmony with the members of the Moose Fraternity to provide a helping hand to those in need.

Our members dedicate countless volunteer hours each year to over 1,400 Chapters across the United States and Canada as well as their communities. More importantly, the Women of the Moose is one of the largest contributors to the support and maintenance of Mooseheart Child City and School and Moosehaven Retirement care facility. On an annual basis, the Women of the Moose throughout the fraternity donate more than one million dollars to support programs and activities at these two campuses.

The Women of the Moose provides social, educational and community service opportunities to its members, as well as sporting events and activities geared toward the entire family. Our members are enthusiastic; they bring a special passion and commitment to the Moose fraternity. But don’t think the Women of the Moose are all work and no play – they also bring a unique brand of fun and energy to their meetings and functions.


  • Kids party’s
  • Christmas - Members only
  • Easter- Members only
  • Trunk or Treat- open to community
  • Donate School supplies- local school
  • Donate $ for a local elementary school to buy presents for the kid’s family.
  • Donate $ for a escort for a Honor flight
  • Donate to the Veterans Center
  • Donate to the Sharing Center
  • Collected and Donate Canned goods to Basket brigade -Thanksgiving Dinner for Families in need in Brevard
  • Brevard achievement special Olympics
  • Collected and donated gifts to I love my island for less fortunate families in our community
  • Donated $ to Matthew’s Hope
  • Donated 10 turkeys to Matthew’s Hope for Thanksgiving

Moose Lodge #2073 Scholarships Awarded

Merritt Island Women of the Moose presented Payton Mertz a $250 Scholarship. Payton graduated from Rockledge High School. She will be attending Embry Riddle Institution of Technology studying Mechanical Engineering.